Friday, February 11, 2011

Chart Notes for February 12-18

Unfortunately for Bruno, they don't give out the Medal of Honor for being whipped.

I listed these together because they're (a) next to each other on the chart, and (b) basically indistinguishable.

Once again, Drake is invited to the picnic. And once again, he shows up with a handful of McDonald's napkins and a warm 2-liter of Big K.

Ke$ha's fanbase will appreciate this title. It helps them make the transition from shopping at Toys R Us.

Boredom isn't just the absence of interest; it actually has a presence of its own. You could be watching Jet Li fight a polar bear with numchuks, and you'd still be bored if this was the soundtrack.

Holy shit, Lil Wayne actually decides to rap again. Let's all hope he sticks to that, as we try to drink enough to blot Rebirth out of our memories.

Pretend I copy-and-pasted the above line here, and then added a lot of question marks.

This song was nominated for a Grammy, but Christina Perri won't get to be on the show because the Most Disgusting Metaphor category is part of the Technical Awards.

If I told you that Birthday Sex Guy had a new song with a title referencing oral sex, I bet you'd be shocked when I told you that it sounds a whole lot like "Birthday Sex," right?


The first time I heard this song, I liked it. It came on right when my alarm went off in the morning, and I wasn't awake enough to listen to the lyrics. Pat Monahan strikes again!

Judging from the lyrics, I think this is supposed to be a Sexy Song to Sex To, but no one is white enough to keep wood with this guy's voice in the background.

For everyone who thought "Say Ahh" was too heavy on the chivalry.

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